Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (43 - 45 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#151 | FIXED | Order comments by date, ascending | ||
Description |
On the media "home" page, comments on photos are currently sorted in descending order by date (i.e. reverse-chronological order, like a blog). The standard order is ascending order by date. This requires a change to media\_home() in mediagoblin/user\_pages/ |
#253 | FIXED | Filename extensions should be made lowercase on disk | ||
Description |
"medium" and "thumbnail" versions of JPEG files are stored with a lowercase ".jpg" name extension, but the original versions are stored with whatever case was in the original file name: jpg, JPG, jpG… So you get something like this: :: user_dev/media/public/media_entries/fa23ab31abf7ec67be8000001: originalFileName.JpG medium.jpg thumbnail.jpg (If the file has a random extension like "dfsg", it is simply not accepted.) The extension should be made lowercase, so that all sizes have the same extension both on disk and when downloading. |
#262 | FIXED | Make it clear when a deletion is cancelled due to unset checkbox | ||
Description |
Currently media deletion happens like this: 1. Go to media page. 2. Click "delete". 3. Check the "I am sure" checkbox. 4. Click "delete permanently". If the checkbox at step 3 is not checked, you are back at step 1 (the media page appears untouched). MediaWiki and file managers do it differently: you don't have to use a checkbox, but only click another button. When the checkbox UI is used, but the deletion is cancelled due to the checkbox being unset, a message should appear to the user, or he might think that the deletion simply failed. P.S.: I suppose that checkbox is there because people used to deleting (or running a bot) may click through many buttons and accidentally delete stuff. However, when everything uses a checkbox, it will just slow deletion down and make the user get used to that longer path. There should probably be a way to delete larger arbitrary groups of media quicker, at least where it is possible to upload large amounts of media. |
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