Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5475 invalid some PO files fail to build fr33domlover

I'm on Trisquel 7, building from git master using python 3. When I run make, some PO files fail to compile:

Skipping mediagoblin/i18n/ia/mediagoblin.po which pybabel can't compile :( Skipping mediagoblin/i18n/jbo/mediagoblin.po which pybabel can't compile :(

#5472 cant-reproduce Error to load video... e-holy

My error is:

GStreamer: gst-library-error-quark: Could not initialize supporting library. (3)

when i will load an video...

My system is:

4.7.2-201.fc24.x86_64 - Linux/Fedora 24/x86_64


2016-09-07 10:35:37,350 INFO [mediagoblin.media_types] Info about file found, checking further 2016-09-07 10:35:37,350 INFO [mediagoblin.media_types] checking the contents with sniffer 2016-09-07 10:35:37,350 INFO [] Sniffing 2016-09-07 10:35:37,352 INFO [] Discovering /tmp/tmpIcADjv... error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment. error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set in the environment. 2016-09-07 10:35:37,364 WARNING [] GStreamer: gst-library-error-quark: Could not initialize supporting library. (3) 2016-09-07 10:35:37,364 INFO [mediagoblin.media_types] sniffer says it will not accept the file

#5471 invalid Difficulty with fastcgi section from deployment guide. Malcolm Kennedy

I have followed the deployment guide, changing just to

When I get to the end and run the command "./ --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543"

I am unable to get the website to load. It works fine when I ran "./ --server-name=broadcast"

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