Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (43 - 45 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#5575 | fixed | Upgrade setuptools and pip in Makefile | ||
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[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down] When I try to install MediaGoblin on a clean machine (or in a fresh Docker container), I get an error on the "make" step because setuptools is too old in virtualenv: Upgrading pip and setuptools within the virtualenv solves this issue: I created a patch to fix this issue in the "upgrade-packages" branch of my Github fork: |
#5574 | duplicate | Improve docker builds for deployment and/or development | ||
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[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down and the mailing list is not accepting new messages] I'm interested in contributing to MediaGoblin. Its test suite is very impressive, so I tried to run the tests and ran into some issues with finding the correct dependencies. One good way to solve this would be to have a continuous integration (CI) service that establishes a "known-good" configuration for running tests. There was discussion a few years ago about setting up CI, but it doesn't look like it ever went through: I spent a few hours setting up MediaGoblin on Travis and got it to successfully execute the tests, but it skips 12 out of 183: If I force the tests to run, the skipped tests fail: A few questions:
Here are all my changes: The most relevant files are my Dockerfile to set up the test environment: and my Travis configuration: |
#5573 | fixed | certificate expired | ||
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The Let's Encrypt certificate for (serial number 03:AC:30:3D:52:4A:E3:E8:EB:40:B9:B0:4D:70:BF:FD:9C:07 ) expired on October 20, 2018, 3:45:07 PM GMT-4. This means people have to tell their browsers to allow an exception to connect to (for SSL/TLS support). Please renew. |