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Results (175 - 177 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#181 FIXED Icons could use transparent backgrounds Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber
Recently we changed from a dark grey to a textured black
background. But the backgrounds of our icons aren't transparent!
This causes problems with the new background... see on the
right-hand sidebar:

`\_images/mediagoblin\_0.0.4\_mouse\_tags.png <>`_

#182 fixed Logging in should take me back to the page where I clicked the login link Karen Rustad
Right now, it always takes me back to my profile. This is often an
interruption -- if I'm e.g. logging in to comment on someone's
photo, I then have to go to some other page to login, get sent to
my profile page, and then have to figure out how to get back to the
photo I wanted to comment on.

Ideally, logins ought to be entirely "in-place"--not require going
anywhere else. So the workflow would be: click upper-right login
link -> login fields appear via JS in the top right (or in an
overlay over the page, whichever) -> I enter my credentials and hit
the button -> Without refreshing, the page gets AJAXily updated to
reflect that I'm now logged in (different top-right links, 'edit'
links, comment fields, and the like appear in the appropriate
places on the page, etc), or a handy-dandy 'your login info didn't
work, foo'!' message appears in the top right.

#183 wontfix tag clouds Caleb Davis
This is another rollover from `#360 </issues/360>`_, but it got
left behind somehow. A tag cloud is a dict-like object containing
{'tag-name':frequency-of-use,...}. It's fun to have them to see all
the tags that people are using publicly on an instance.

Where would we display these?

-  instance home page - all users, processed media
-  user's profile - user's processed media
-  [BONUS] - arbitrary collection (/tags/bunnies) Open questions:
-  Should we use MapReduce?
   `\_tags/ <>`_
   The alternative would be to write tags to a text file and do

   sort tags\_text\_file \| uniq -c

or do it completely within python \* Should we use celery?
Generating tag clouds shouldn't slow page renders. Thoughts:

    do it with python if you're using MapReduce since, if MapReduce
    gets too slow, you just add more processors!

    if it 'takes too long', then use celery

-  How often do we update the clouds? Thoughts included:

    not during a bulk upload

-  How do we store these tag cloud objects? If we're not rendering
   them on the fly, then they should be in some kind of cache.

    user['tag\_cloud'] = dict

    associate the cloud with the route. something like -

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