Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#58 FIXED Better contribution patches / branches documentation Will Kahn-Greene Christopher Allan Webber
We haven't explained now what kind of patches we want or how to
push a branch for us to merge in the docs. Well, at least we
haven't explained the patch part well. We should basically give an
example tutorial session on how to submit a proper patch.

#59 FIXED User feeds Christopher Allan Webber
We should make an atom feed so you can subscribe to users' posts.

We already have werkzeug as a dependency and it looks like that
includes an atom feed generator:

` <>`_

Whomever works on this should:

-  add the feed
-  link to the feed on the user profile
-  add appropriate metadata to the page so the browser indicates
   there's an available atom feed

#60 FIXED Command to start shell w/ mediagoblin.globals set up Christopher Allan Webber

    ./bin/gmg shell mediagoblin.ini

should launch a shell with:

-  mediagoblin.globals set up and pre-imported as mgoblin\_globals
-  "mgoblin\_app" instance set up, an instance of MediaGoblinApp
-  a bit of text is printed out explaining that those two variables
   are available

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