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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5631 invalid this is a test Ben Sturmfels
#5627 fixed Generalise keyboard navigation Olivier Mehani

The media display pages allow to use the left and right arrows to navigate between media.

The patch at generalises this for other pages, such as galleries.

This commit is part of my work on #5619, which is still a WIP. However, this particular change should be good to go.

#5626 fixed Upgrade issue from 0.10 to 0.11 TmCTux

following the upgrade guide (and the installation guide just in case), I've encounter the following issue during upgrade:

1) after launching this command: ./ && VIRTUALENV_FLAGS='--system-site-packages' ./configure && make

it fails during setup saying idna3.2 is installed (as one package require >2 and it picks the last available) but a later one require < 3 (this could be removed because python2 support has been dropped).

workaround was: ./bin/pip uninstall idna ./bin/pip install idna==2.10 and relaunch the last step: ./bin/python develop --upgrade and continue the rest of the upgrade process: make

2) on the last upgrade process we have to upgrade the db: ./bin/gmg dbupdate this fails because jsonschema.compat is not found

workaround: commenting the import from the following file mediagoblin/tools/

and now the gmg dbupdate works.

YMMV but that's what happend for me on buster 10.10 on 5th july 2021. (date can be important due to external nodejs dependency) - and it is only reported now as the trac seemed to have been broken for a while (on my side at least).

thanks again for this new release, works quite well so far!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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