Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1173)

Currently when you submit an image all that happens is it shows up
on the mainpage as a thumbnail. Boring! We should be able to view
those images on their own page.

If I upload the media entry of "A Walk in the Park" which has the
ID of 4d8e5b0048b1520586000000, I should be able to view that at:

[\ :sub:`cwebber/m/d8e5b0048b1520586000000/](`\ cwebber/m/d8e5b0048b1520586000000/)

(Eventually I'll also want to be able to view it by its prettier
slugified URL:

[\ :sub:`cwebber/m/a-walk-in-the-park/](`\ cwebber/m/a-walk-in-the-park/)

... but that's waiting on
` <>`_

This URL should have the following things:

-  The image, fully sized (we don't have scaled down versions
   implemented yet besides the thumbnail, so that's fine)
-  The author's name
-  When it was uploaded
-  The title
-  The description



    | GNU MediaGoblin             | login | register |
    |                                                |
    |  The Terror of Tinman Tim                      |
    |  Posted by cwebber on May 8, 2011              |
    |   ___________________________________________  |
    |  |                                           | |
    |  |      __ ____                              | |
    |  |  (O)== |    |=(O)                         | |
    |  |     |  |O  o|         DESTROY ALL HUMANS  | |
    |  |     |__|[ww]|                             | |
    |  |    |    |  _ |  _                         | |
    |  |    | ((((((_ |((_                         | |
    |  |    |    |    |                            | |
    |  |    |____|____|                            | |
    |  |      |_|  \_\  _                          | |
    |  |    _/_/_   \_// /                         | |
    |  |    |___||   |/_/                          | |
    |  |                                           | |
    |  '-------------------------------------------' |
    |    _________________________________________   |
    |   | Just another piece on a robot who wants |  |
    |   | to do what any robot would want to do.  |  |
    |   '-----------------------------------------'  |
    |                                                |
    |  Comments:                                     |
    |   __________________________________________   |
    |  | Wow I love your robot!!!!!!              |  |
    |  |                 sue @ May 8 2011 11:45PM |  |
    |  '------------------------------------------'  |

Don't worry about the comments for now though.

In addition, the thumbs currently on the main page should link to
this URL.

In the verification email we would output the URL using HTML
encoded text, so that e.g. & -> &. We don't want that and we know
the URL won't contain user contributed content, so it is safe to
turn off HTML encoding here.

Patch to fix this:
`\_requests/3 <>`_

We should somehow warn users that they need to verify their email
before they can do anything.

We could do one of a few things:

-  When we redirect to login on pages that require an active user,
   include a GET parameter on the redirect to /auth/login/ like
   /auth/login/?needs\_verify\_email=true and display a warning that
   the reason that the user wasn't able to do something was because
   they need to verify their email
-  Put some text like "not verified" after the user's login name on
   each page?

In addition we should provide a means to resend the verification
email if it borked the first time, and maybe link to that.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.