Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#422 Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel invalid Header drop-down disappears when clicked

If you click on the expanded drop-down list, it will disappear. If you click on the original button, it doesn't disappear. Both of these behaviors are wrong.

The expanded drop-down list should disappear when the user clicks anywhere but on the list itself.

(Also, it needs some small styling changes to make it look like the button and the list are visually connected.)

#425 Jakob Kramer chrono fixed Markdown Links in media description broken for media/dokuwiki targets

Links to media- or dokuwiki pages are broken when using markdown syntax and turn out empty, probably due to the ":" namespace separator.

Reproduce Example:

markdown in description field:


turns into:

<p><a href="">Odyssey</a> </p>

As there currently is no other way to place links for more information, I would consider it a major defect :)

#426 joar fixed "Separate Celery" section outdated

We now use ./, elrond might know more about the intended use of this.

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