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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#168 Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene FIXED texinfo version of the manual
The manual is in docs/. To jive with GNU project standards, we need
to build a texinfo version of the docs for release tarballs (and we
should do html and pdf versions, too).

The thing this requires us to do is get a texinfo output thing for
the docs set up and making sure the infrastructure is there to do
it going forward.

#200 Jef van Schendel Will Kahn-Greene FIXED login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage
"login" is the place where you log in--it's a noun or adjective.

"log in" is the act of logging in--it's a verb.

For example, a user would log in at the login screen.

We've got a lot of incorrect usages of these in the strings. This
bug is to go through the strings and fix the ones that are wrong.

Putting this in the 0.0.5 milestone and upping the priority since
this affects translations.

#201 Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber fixed Video support
The codebase is maturing quickly towards something where we could
implement video support pretty soon.

There are several parts to this project:

-  Implementing multi-media class support (this probably needs its
   own ticket)
-  Add video processing code. We need someone with gstreamer
   experience... if someone can construct a generic gstreamer video
   encoding pipeline that would help things along by a lot.
-  Allow for dropping in multiple-media-type image support (again,
   part of the first bullet) and add one for video

If someone can help me with bullet #2 this can move along a lot

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