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Results (112 - 114 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#24 Will Kahn-Greene wontfix smtp support for people who don't have an smtp server running
There are a series of things that GNU MediaGoblin will send email

This issue is to figure out how to GNU MediaGoblin can send email
without an MTA running on the local machine.

Perhaps just log sent email to a log file?

#25 Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber FIXED A nice looking basic theme
We need some sort of theme, any kind of theme :)

Some stuff mentioned here:
` <>`_

but admittedly that's a bit vaporous. I'd love it if we could have
a base theme that's dark, kind of tango-ish in colors and icons
(could even use tango icons!) etc.

#26 Christopher Allan Webber Will Kahn-Greene FIXED fix hacking howto setup for fedora 15
The setup bits in the hacking howto don't work on Fedora 15.

Jef gets this when he runs python && bin/buildout:


    Develop: '/home/jef/mediagoblin/.'
    Develop distribution: Paste
    uses namespace packages but the distribution does not require setuptools.
    Uninstalling make_user_dev_dirs.
    Updating mediagoblin.
    Develop distribution: Paste
    uses namespace packages but the distribution does not require setuptools.
    Installing make_user_dev_dirs.

schendje: is that the entire output from buildout?
or just a snippet
that's everything
okay, yes, something's wrong then
schendje: I'll look into this... I guess if you like, you can not
worry about it and just design into a plain html file and I can
incorporate it

What should happen is that running that command downloads all the
requirements and builds an environment to run GNU MediaGoblin in.

Making this an issue for 0.0.2.

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