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Results (52 - 54 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#732 sazius fixed celeryconfig module not found when running dbupdate

When I'm running "./bin/gmg dbupdate" I'm getting this warning, which apparently isn't fatal, but a bit scary and annoying :-) According to joar it's because it is run without CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE being set.

/var/www/media/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/celery/loaders/ NotConfigured: No 'celeryconfig' module found! Please make sure it exists and is available to Python.
  "is available to Python." % (configname, )))
#741 Aleksej invalid Check if header levels on the main page make sense (suggest changing to the same level)

The main page contains two headers:

  • <h1> "Hi there, welcome to this MediaGoblin site!"
  • <h2> "Most recent media".

That means the latter is a subsection of the former.

Does that make sense?

Between h1 and h2, there are a welcoming text and "create account" and "set up your own instance" links. If that section is just a welcome/intro section, then the "Most recent media" being a part of it means it is just an example for new or returning users, and not a stand-alone part of the site.

Maybe it would make more sense for the headers to be of the same level.

This may be of importance to screen reader users, at least:

#747 Amirouche fixed typofix and improve
  • Ask the user to install *pytest* if it's not found
  • report back to the user if tests failed
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