Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#5364 new defect

"p" client doesn't seem to upload images

Reported by: Daniel Krol Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


I posted this issue initially in the issue tracker for p:

However I was ultimately able to post an image in another instance, so I was advised to move the issue here.

I authenticate my webfinger using p. I run:

p post image ../images/image.jpg --title "Test Upload"

It seemed to go through. No std or err output. However I don't see the image on my site. I tried running:

p inbox

And I got something like this:

yooser posted unknown.jpe - 5 minutes ago
  Test Upload
  ![Image NonexNone][1]

(Only my username and my site's domain are changed here. Everything else should be verbatim.)

However below that, it lists entry from my site, which I uploaded manually long ago. So it seems that it's on the right track but not quite there.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Daniel Krol, 9 years ago

I forgot to mention - I probably wouldn't care about a problem with a specific client, but this one is recommended in the Mediagoblin docs.

comment:2 by Loic Dachary, 9 years ago

It worked for me with but I don't know how it was setup.

See to know why git reset is neeeded. The 401 error after authorize can be ignored.

$ git clone
$ virtualenv virtualenv
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
$ git reset --hard 2bd146e4f21bef1dc242a28a97b80aed8d6083bc
$ pip install --editable .
$ p authorize
To add an account you need to authorize p to use your
account and paste the verifier:
Verifier Code: cCRW2HKeL5t3cGolvyoORcabvCCQr0vL
pypump.exception.PyPumpException: Request Failed to (response: {"error": "Not logged in."} | status: 401)
$ p accounts
Authorized    Webfinger
$ p post image ~/private/cv/loic-avatar-64x64.png --title "Test Upload"
$ p inbox
dachary posted unknown.png - 5 minutes ago
  Test Upload
  ![Image 64x64][1]

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by Loic Dachary (next)
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