Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#162 accepted enhancement

add quoting support to tagging — at Initial Version

Reported by: Caleb Davis Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Tagging (`#360 </issues/360>`_) needs to be iterated on. This
ticket addresses support for quoting. What are the expected
behaviors? In the following examples, user input is underlined, and
resulting tags are indented.

-  In the simple case (assuming comma-delimited text), the user has
   a single pair of quotes embedded within the input, such as:
   meta,'yo dawg, I heard you like delimiters...',humor


    u'yo dawg, I heard you like delimiters...'


-  what about mixed quotes? (eg user wants *you're* in the tag)
   meme,"I don't even...",humor


    u'I don't even'


-  then, as Will noted in IRC, some users may wish to tag using xml
   or hierarchical organization schemes. At what point does supporting
   quoting become complex enough to warrant using a plugin?

**tl;dr - introduce support for tag delimiter(s) within a tag. Efforts towards native gmg support go here. Add a new ticket for plugin work**

Feel fix this ticket if I'm missing the point or the point is not

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