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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#107 fixed Email verification and forgot password verification tokens should expire Christopher Allan Webber
Email verification should expire after 30 days and forgot password
verification should expire after 7.

Things that should be done:

-  These fields should be added but not required
-  Views should be modified to add these expiration fields when
   adding the tokens
-  Views should be modified to check the expiration fields before
-  A migration should be added...
   -  fields without verification keys should just have the
      email\_verification\_expires and/or fp\_verification\_expires set
      to None
   -  fields with verification keys should set them to a timedelta
      from today

You can set these fields via a timedelta:


    >>> import datetime
    >>> + datetime.timedelta(days=10)
    datetime.datetime(2011, 7, 4, 8, 41, 8, 502139)

#109 fixed Least-Effort Picture adding Billy Crook
I want to see a feature that monitors a directory for new images,
and assimilates them into MediaGoblin. I should be able to plug in
my camera, when /media/foocamera appears, goblin sees it, copies
the pictures off, and empties the camera.

I should be able to visit my GMG webpage then and see them in a

#118 fixed Provide option to limit upload size joar
Due to the possibility to overload a server by sending it HUGE POST
requests, we should provide an option to instance-owners to limit
the possible media upload size.

Presumably, we should put this option in ``mediagoblin.ini``.

We should also display this information to the end-user by
providing a notice in ``mediagoblin/submit/``.

Here's a handy snippet provided by cwebber/paroneayea that might
aid anyone pursuing this ticket's completion:
` <>`_

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