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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#261 fixed Resized images should have individual (detailed) filenames (not just medium.jpg or thumbnail.jpg) Aleksej
Assuming that people want to download the smaller versions of
images, those versions need useful file names.

Currently the names are just "medium.jpg" and "thumbnail.jpg",
which are not unique.

Better names could be something like
"Original\_file\_name.medium.jpg". However, it attention needs to
be paid so that GMG does not try to create files with paths too
long for the operating system to process.

#262 FIXED Make it clear when a deletion is cancelled due to unset checkbox Inconexo ø Aleksej
Currently media deletion happens like this:

1. Go to media page.
2. Click "delete".
3. Check the "I am sure" checkbox.
4. Click "delete permanently".

If the checkbox at step 3 is not checked, you are back at step 1
(the media page appears untouched).

MediaWiki and file managers do it differently: you don't have to
use a checkbox, but only click another button.

When the checkbox UI is used, but the deletion is cancelled due to
the checkbox being unset, a message should appear to the user, or
he might think that the deletion simply failed.

P.S.: I suppose that checkbox is there because people used to
deleting (or running a bot) may click through many buttons and
accidentally delete stuff. However, when everything uses a
checkbox, it will just slow deletion down and make the user get
used to that longer path. There should probably be a way to delete
larger arbitrary groups of media quicker, at least where it is
possible to upload large amounts of media.

#272 no-action [Wiki] Make it obvious that e-mail verification is required for editing Aleksej
Editing or creating pages in the wiki requires that the e-mail
address is *verified* (that you are in the emailconfirmed group).

The only place I found where the wiki says so is the "View source"
pages which replace the "Edit" pages for pages one cannot edit.
Those "View source" pages are available by clicking the "View
source" link (which already says you cannot edit, so would you
click it?), and not (at least easily) available for user pages.

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