Custom Query (1173 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#217 FIXED Some "verification needed" messages are not clear that _e-mail address_ is to be verified Aleksej
These messages:

-  "Almost done! Your account still needs to be verified."
-  "Someone has registered an account with this username, but it
   still has to be verified."
   say the account needs to be verified. But really what needs to be
   *verified* is that the e-mail address belongs to the account's
   owner. The account itself needs to be *activated*.

#236 FIXED "Your email will never be published." is not universally true. Christopher Allan Webber Aleksej
The string at mediagoblin/auth/ ("Your email will never
be published.") may not apply to every instance of MediaGoblin:
someone might want to install MediaGoblin and not promise to keep
the e-mail addresses private.

The string needs to be changed/removed, or made admin-editable.

#253 FIXED Filename extensions should be made lowercase on disk Inconexo ø Aleksej
"medium" and "thumbnail" versions of JPEG files are stored with a
lowercase ".jpg" name extension, but the original versions are
stored with whatever case was in the original file name: jpg, JPG,

So you get something like this:



(If the file has a random extension like "dfsg", it is simply not

The extension should be made lowercase, so that all sizes have the
same extension both on disk and when downloading.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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