Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5578 fixed Add datetime_format config option Olivier Mehani

Here is a small patch moving the datetime_format used in various places to the config. This allows for a global override per site.

I set the default in the config spec to what was previously used throughout the code, but I find it rather awkward. I think %c would be a better default.

#5577 invalid Test ticket Simon Fondrie-Teitler

simon is testing.

#5576 fixed Add *.swo to .gitignore anongoblin

[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down]

Vim uses the .swo extension for temporary files. This is a simple change to add it to the .gitignore. The fix is in the "swo-gitignore" branch of my git repo:

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