Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (34 - 36 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#470 | fixed | Add more information to mediagoblin.ini | ||
Description |
Changes to mediagoblin_local.ini often require running “./bin/gmg/dbupdate” or installing some dependencies. That should be mentioned in the comments in the file. For instance,
#471 | wontfix | Consider using user_dev for mediagoblin.db by default | ||
Description |
MediaGoblin needs to be able to write into user_dev. OK. When using sqlite, MediaGoblin by default needs to be able to write to mediagoblin.db and mediagoblin.db-journal. That means (at least in the beginning) being able to write to the directory with MediaGoblin itself. If it not even worse for security, it would be better if mediagoblin.db was in user_dev, so only one directory needs to be writable. |
#479 | fixed | Hovering over an image makes the pointer icon “enlarge”/“zoom in”, even if click does nothing. | ||
Description |
When hovering over an image on an image’s media page, the pointer changes to “enlarge”/“zoom in”, meaning you can click the image to see the larger original version. If the displayed image is the original itself, click does nothing, but hovering still changes the pointer. |