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Results (31 - 33 of 1173)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#31 FIXED Tool to create a tarball of the current environment (database, media files, etc) joar Christopher Allan Webber
It would be great if we had a tool that could do something like:


    ./bin/gmg environment_tarball mediagoblin.ini tarball_name.tar.gz

That contained something like:


    ./public_store/ # all public store files kept here
    ./queue_store/ # all queue store files kept here

#32 FIXED Need a way to do schema migration on the database Juan José González Christopher Allan Webber
Over time our database format will change, and it'll be important
to be able to update peoples' existing databases. We need both a
way to specify migrations and to be able to run them.

` <>`_
contains some info on this.

As far as where the revision info is stored, maybe that could be
kept in something like


    settings_document = db['app_settings']['mediagoblin']
    settings_document['db_revision'] = 'some_identifier'

but I'm not sure. I've been thinking that maybe we'll need to store
some user settings in the database eventually once we get some sort
of admin interface around. Maybe this is the first thing to start

#33 FIXED Translations Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber
We need to be able to support translations! This is a multi-step

-  we need to be able to put
   `translations in the templates <>`_
-  we need to be able to put them in normal python code
-  we need to be able to extract translations
-  we need to put translations up somewhere where people can start
   translating them (Transifex?)

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