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Results (109 - 111 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#127 FIXED move mailing list to new server Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
We currently have a development-focused mailing list on the social
server. We want to move this over to our own server.

OpenHatch has a ` <>`_
mailing list. I was thinking we'd do the same and create
` <>`_ .

I have mailman already set up, so the things that need to be done

1. test the mailman installation
2. create the list
3. tell the people on the old list, "yo, we've moved the
   list--subscribe to the new one"
4. figure out what to do with archives (gmane?)

#128 fixed move bug tracker Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
This bug covers moving the bug tracker from to our
own server.

I asked on the mailing list whether people wanted to switch bug
trackers and there were no strong opinions.

My current problems with redmine are:

1. can't tag bugs -- useful for marking bugs as bitesized (bug
   `#382 </issues/382>`_)
2. mediocre search
3. I'm concerned it won't scale to hundreds of contributors

It's possible I can solve issue 1 if we had our own redmine
instance using a plugin or something. We can push off issue 3. No
one else seems to have problems with issue 2, so we can push that
off, too.

Given that, this bug covers:

1. researching redmine to learn how to set it up and run it
2. figuring out what to do about tags
3. getting a dump of the data from foocorp
4. importing the data into the new bug tracker
5. changing all the urls in the docs and web-site to point to the
   new instance
6. creating some kind of automated something that watches the old
   bug tracker for activity and tells people to use the new one

I'm going to try to get this done for 0.0.4.

#50 FIXED mongodb not scaling down: workaround and documentation Elrond Elrond
mongodb needs 0.5 GB for a fresh install. Half of this goes to

kombu could use redis or some other transport (see
`#322 </issues/322>`_), so fixing `#322 </issues/322>`_ will help
this issue too.

mongodb database files contain a lot of NUL bytes. So one can
easily use sparse files to save space on disk:


     # service mongodb stop
     # cd /var/lib/
     # cp -a --sparse=always mongodb
     # mv mongodb mongodb.old
     # mv mongodb
     # service mongodb start
     # # TEST mongodb
     # rm -rf mongodb.old

Maybe later versions of mongodb do this already internally. The
above was needed on mongodb from debian/stable.

Documenting the "make sparse" possibility will also help this

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