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Results (76 - 78 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#441 fixed remove mongodb bits from documentation Will Kahn-Greene

The documentation in docs/ talks about installing and configuring mongodb. That should be removed.

M=d2eab) saturn ~/projects/mediagoblin/docs/source> grin -i mongodb
   85 :     ORM for MongoDB we're using which will make it easier to define
  151 :  holds the mongodb schemas---these are the data structures
  114 : Configure MongoDB
  122 : First, install MongoDB. On a DEB-based system run::
  124 :     sudo apt-get install mongodb
  128 :     yum install mongodb-server
  130 : After installing MongoDB some preliminary database configuration may
  133 : Ensure that MongoDB `journaling
  134 : <>`_ is enabled. Journaling
  135 : is enabled by default in version 2.0 and later 64-bit MongoDB instances.
  141 :    Running MongoDB without journaling risks general data corruption
  145 :    MediaGoblin recommends enabling MongoDB's journaling feature by
  149 : MongoDB can take a lot of space by default. If you're planning on
#20 FIXED remove Continue Reading text from entries on blog Matt Lee Will Kahn-Greene
On this page:

` <>`_

at the bottom is the text "Continue reading " and then a link to
the same page. That's weird.

This page has "body" but no "extended" text. So there shouldn't be
"Continue reading" text.

However, we do want a permalink link at the bottom.

Assigning this to Matt because he told me to.

Adding Chris as a watcher on the off chance that I totally ruined
this bug report.

#489 fixed release notes for 0.3.1 need to be written Will Kahn-Greene

We need to write up the release notes for 0.3.1.

Three things it should note:

  1. any changes that break someone's existing 0.3.0 instance
  2. any thing a mediagoblin site admin should do to upgrade their 0.3.0 instance to 0.3.1
  3. new features in 0.3.1
  4. anything else that someone should know about 0.3.1

I added a stub to docs/source/siteadmin/relnotes.rst for this.

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