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Results (46 - 48 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#621 fixed template hook stops string extraction Elrond Elrond

I have no exact idea what is going wrong, but:

  1. media.html is not any more extracted by pybabel.
  2. git bisect tells me, that it is 927be5e8cafbf561ee6ff6a6d74ad566fa3402f0 which switches the macro based template hooks over into a jinja extension.
  3. Adding to babel.ini currently breaks for me.

I have stopped here.

#75 FIXED tagging Caleb Davis Will Kahn-Greene
This feature request covers tagging images with a series of
words/phrases related to the image.

For example:

-  vacation
-  Florida
-  Mark
-  goofy

Chris said this in the 0.0.3 planning meeting:


        Tagging -- In what sense?  good question, we should at least make a ticket :) probably tagging
        like MediaEntry['tags'] = ['photo', 'baby'] is good enough

#183 wontfix tag clouds Caleb Davis
This is another rollover from `#360 </issues/360>`_, but it got
left behind somehow. A tag cloud is a dict-like object containing
{'tag-name':frequency-of-use,...}. It's fun to have them to see all
the tags that people are using publicly on an instance.

Where would we display these?

-  instance home page - all users, processed media
-  user's profile - user's processed media
-  [BONUS] - arbitrary collection (/tags/bunnies) Open questions:
-  Should we use MapReduce?
   `\_tags/ <>`_
   The alternative would be to write tags to a text file and do

   sort tags\_text\_file \| uniq -c

or do it completely within python \* Should we use celery?
Generating tag clouds shouldn't slow page renders. Thoughts:

    do it with python if you're using MapReduce since, if MapReduce
    gets too slow, you just add more processors!

    if it 'takes too long', then use celery

-  How often do we update the clouds? Thoughts included:

    not during a bulk upload

-  How do we store these tag cloud objects? If we're not rendering
   them on the fly, then they should be in some kind of cache.

    user['tag\_cloud'] = dict

    associate the cloud with the route. something like -

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