Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (154 - 156 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5518 fixed Bad gateway while browser waits for transcoding in the background Bruno Santos

After submiting a video, the browser just starts loading something until nginx finally throws a bad gateway.. The video transcoding is happening in the background, but in the users perspective, something wrong has happened...

Wouldn't be better if after submitting the video, the user would be redirected to his/hers dashboard instead of nginx giving a timeout ?

#1019 fixed Bad link Plugin API documentation ayleph


"The plan at present is that we are adding hooks as people need them, with community discussion. If you find that you need a hook and MediaGoblin at present doesn’t provide it at present, please! We’ll evaluate what to do from there."

The api.rst file has the following text.

The plan at present is that we are adding hooks as people need them,
with community discussion.  If you find that you need a hook and
MediaGoblin at present doesn't provide it at present, please
` <talk to us>`_!  We'll
evaluate what to do from there.

Obviously the link text is supposed to say "talk to us" and point to join.html, but apparently the rst format is incorrect.

#249 WONTFIX Base58 any mongo ObjectID's in URLs joar
Links are getting long quick wnen our ID's are mongodb ObjectID's.
` <>`_



    base 16: 4e682b3f4cc6a55e4d0000dd  
    base 58: 1RlMoQ3FCeZSiuJO  
    and just for perspective...  
    base 10: 24265763280740767849856893149  
    want more perspective?  
    base 2: 10011 10011 01000 00101 01100 11111 10100 11001 10001 10101 00101 01011 11001 00110 10000 00000 00000 00110 11101

It does not really make a huge difference in size. But it's still


    Regular link: [](  
    base58      : [](

If anyone has any other suggestions on how to keep the ID's in the
URLs as short as possible,
`this description of what a mongodb ObjectID consists of might be helpful <>`_.


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