Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#481 fixed Audio transcoding easily hogs up much space on /tmp joar

This is probably due to the spectrogram processing uses a WAV as input file, thus I made it transcode the audio into WAV (which takes quite a lot of space).

A possible solution would be to investigate the possibilities to create spectrograms from either the source format or the "medium" audio/webm format.

#1031 invalid Automated install of mediagoblin via salt arthur.lutz

I find the mediagoblin installation/deployment really tedious (and I believe the documentation could be better), so I started automating the deployment of mediagoblin using saltstack (python based in case you're wondering).

Here is the work in progress : (and you'll need templated supervisor.conf and nginx.conf which I can upload if anyone is interested).

Is this of interest to anyone here ? Should I make this more usable ? Contribute it to the project ? Make it into a salt formula ?

#368 fixed Automatically fill in username if user already typed it before Jakob Kramer Jef van Schendel
Let's say you don't know your password. You:

-  Go to the log in page.
-  Type your username.
-  Try to type your password, but you can't, since you forgot. Or
   you type something but it turns out wrong. Or whatever.

Then, you can click on "Forgot your password?" and it'll go to a
new page that asks for your username or email. But you already
typed your username, so it should remember that and put it in the
text box for you. Then, you can choose to continue with that
username, or edit it.

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