Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5589 fixed Are subtitles working? Ben Sturmfels

I've just enabled the "subtitles" plugin and uploaded an SRT file like this:

00:00:00,00 --> 00:00:10,00
Hello there!

After enabling my subtitles on the video player, I'm not seeing any words. I wonder if this feature is still working following the multi-resolution video changes.

#413 fixed Arrow keys ←→ flip pages while I’m editing a comment Jakob Kramer Aleksej
#5612 fixed Atom feed shows bad web link TmCTux

with mediagoblin 0.10, atom feed shows a base_url of, which correspond to the main paste server. Server has a standard installation with main paste and nginx front, with advised configuration. Previous 0.9 installation was similar and atom feed showed the public web dns (without port as it is served on 80).

surely missing a configuration there or maybe a tweak to add to nginx conf?


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