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Results (73 - 75 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5436 fixed Add "gmg raw_alembic" command Christopher Allan Webber

For certain types of tasks, it's helpful (and perhaps necessary) to be able to use Alembic's own tooling. We don't want users to have to use this often, but it's particularly helpful for developers. In particular, solving #5424 will probably require having access to Alembic's tool.

Attached is a patch which adds a gmg raw_alembic command. It's not recommended that everyone use it, but now it's an available option.

#5576 fixed Add *.swo to .gitignore anongoblin

[This is Michael Lynch ( Boris suggested I post here under the anon account as new registrations on the issue tracker seem to be down]

Vim uses the .swo extension for temporary files. This is a simple change to add it to the .gitignore. The fix is in the "swo-gitignore" branch of my git repo:

#513 fixed Add STL Media Support Jeff Moe

It would be nice to have STL support. STL is the most common format used by 3D Printers and is easily exportable from a wide variety of CAD programs (free and proprietary), such as OpenSCAD and FreeCAD.

Currently the largest site hosting STLs is thingiverse. The thingiverse site is closed, and the company that runs it recently released a proprietary printer that uses proprietary software. A free alternative would be most welcomed.

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