Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#83 FIXED Messaging framework Caleb Davis Christopher Allan Webber
There's been some discussion of a messaging framework in
` <>`_
` <>`_

It would be good if we had such a system. Simply queueing messages
in the session and then iterating through them in the interface is
probably good enough.

We could have 3 simple types of message:
- warning message (red)
- notification neutral message (yellow)
- happy success message (green)

We could iterate through the messages at the top of the document
before we show the rest of the page. We could maybe also provide a
way with javascript to be able to "close" the messages though
that's lower priority for this ticket.

See also:
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` <>`_

#84 FIXED Should we use passlib? Christopher Allan Webber
Currently we use py-bcrypt for python password hashing.

` <>`_

Should we use passlib?

` <>`_

My main thought is, "Which of these libraries has more users and is
more likely to stay around while remaining secure?"

#86 FIXED MediaEntry.thumbnail_file not used Christopher Allan Webber Elrond
the thumbnail\_file field in the MediaEntry db schema is not used


    Mediagoblin/mediagoblin% grep thumbnail_file **/*.py
    db/        'thumbnail_file': [unicode]}

I think, ``media_files['thumb']`` is used for the thumbnail.

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