Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#479 fixed Hovering over an image makes the pointer icon “enlarge”/“zoom in”, even if click does nothing. joar Aleksej

When hovering over an image on an image’s media page, the pointer changes to “enlarge”/“zoom in”, meaning you can click the image to see the larger original version. If the displayed image is the original itself, click does nothing, but hovering still changes the pointer.

#480 fixed irclogs directory doesn't have indexing turned on joar

The last paragraph in has a link to which returns an HTTP 403 response.

#481 fixed Audio transcoding easily hogs up much space on /tmp joar

This is probably due to the spectrogram processing uses a WAV as input file, thus I made it transcode the audio into WAV (which takes quite a lot of space).

A possible solution would be to investigate the possibilities to create spectrograms from either the source format or the "medium" audio/webm format.

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