Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#476 fixed document plugin infrastructure bits Will Kahn-Greene

The following things need to be documented:

  1. pluginapi bits
  2. setup hook

Plus for some reason isn't showing the code that uses .. code-block:: directive. It's possible it's got an older version of Sphinx or pygments isn't installed or something like that.

#477 fixed Move OpenStreetMap/geolocation support to plugin Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber

Now that we have the basics of plugin support, we should move some of our core features that feel somewhat optional into plugins. A good candidate for this is OpenStreetMap support. EXIF extraction should still happen in MediaGoblin core proper, but OSM specific stuff and etc should be moved into a plugin, including templates and possibly some OSM specific fields.

#478 fixed Recover and reset theme on joar

The theme we had on is not anymore, I hear it is because of a MediaWiki update.

I think we should investigate how to reapply it on the updated MediaWiki instance.

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