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Results (127 - 129 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#462 fixed Replace _make_safe by functools.wraps Jakob Kramer Elrond

To make decorators nicer, MediaGoblin has a tiny tool called _make_safe() in

But what this helper tool does, is actually in the standard library!

It's called functools.update_wrapper (1) There's also a nicer version called functools.wraps (2)

So replace all instances of _make_safe by one of those two.

(1) (2)

#463 fixed Make an actually useful media processing panel to use Christopher Allan Webber

The current media processing panel we have is a demo more than anything else, and I'm not really sure it works. But users want something like this: something that's an indicator that their things are processing and to see whether things processed or failed. Administrators also should be able to see detailed errors.

This will be mostly a programming task, but we'll need some careful graphic design too to make this look nice.

#464 fixed Make Download links consistent Jakob Kramer Jakob Kramer

Currently they are different for all media types:

  • Download section for audio
  • "Original" link for video
  • Link on image for images
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