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Results (124 - 126 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#457 fixed need to be more obvious regarding contributor-ship in docs/ Will Kahn-Greene

We talked about this in the June 2nd, 2012 meeting. The gist of it is this:

I'm concerned that people who find GNU MediaGoblin via never find out that:

  1. it's a Free Software project
  2. that they can contribute to
  3. and that we'd like them to join

There's some material that's at the bottom of About GNU MediaGoblin, but it's not obvious that it's there from the TOC.

We have no metrics for any of this, so we're going on hunches, but generally, the things you want people to know should be right there on the front page.

I was thinking we could add a Contributor's Guide which covered some of the things in the wiki which I would update before every release.

Chris was thinking that's too much work and we probably don't get enough out of it and maybe it's sufficient to add some text and links to the index page.

As I'm writing this ticket, I think it might be good to put in something in the footer on every page, too.

This issue is for figuring out what's sufficient and doing it.

#460 fixed AttributeError: VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data' Jorge Araya Navarro

this error happened with two different videos in two different formats (avi and webm)

[2012-06-22 22:22:36,020: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker: mediagoblin.processing.task.ProcessMedia[7e73cf15-8594-41c7-93f4-163bcbb662e0]
[2012-06-22 22:23:07,291: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Initializing VideoTranscoder...
[2012-06-22 22:23:29,388: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Discovering...
[2012-06-22 22:23:31,666: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Done
[2012-06-22 22:23:33,999: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] Traceback (most recent call last):
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,229: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] File "/srv/http/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/media_types/video/", line 441, in __discovered
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,704: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] raise Exception('Could not discover {0}'.format(self.source_path))
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,787: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] Exception
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,804: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] :
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,804: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] Could not discover /srv/http/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/user_dev/media/queue/media_entries/7e73cf15-8594-41c7-93f4-163bcbb662e0/Gurren_Lagann_HD_Creditless_Opening_1.webm
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,880: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Terminating MainLoop
[2012-06-22 22:23:34,880: DEBUG/PoolWorker-2] Saving medium...
[2012-06-22 22:23:35,316: DEBUG/PoolWorker-2] Saved medium
[2012-06-22 22:23:51,120: WARNING/PoolWorker-2] No idea what happened here, but it failed: AttributeError("VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data'",)
[2012-06-22 22:23:55,970: ERROR/MainProcess] Task mediagoblin.processing.task.ProcessMedia[7e73cf15-8594-41c7-93f4-163bcbb662e0] raised exception: AttributeError("VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data'",)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/http/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery-2.5.3-py2.7.egg/celery/execute/", line 181, in trace_task
    R = retval = fun(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/http/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/processing/", line 52, in run
  File "/srv/http/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/media_types/video/", line 88, in process_video
AttributeError: VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data'

#461 fixed Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff to default nginx config in docs pythonsnake Christopher Allan Webber

We should add "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" to our HTTP response headers via nginx in our "default config". This will help prevent someone uploading a .txt file that the browser interprets as an HTML file, etc (which could be used to initiate an XSS attack or etc).

We could probably add such support via:

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