Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#430 fixed Filter By Tags Under User Christopher Allan Webber Rob Myers

Please can it be made possible to search for tags *under a username*.

i.e. something like:

would list all my images tagged with "makerbot".

#431 fixed Make celeryd load logging settings from paste.ini paste_local.ini joar

Load logging settings from the paste(_local)?.ini configuration file.

#432 fixed Upload media button should be more visible Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber

Since moving things over to the user dropdown menu (which is generally great!) one bad thing has happened, which is that the "add media" button we used to have has disappeared. Users who used to probably know where to look for that button now might have no idea where to find how to upload media, since it's basically "hidden".

We should probably keep this one item in its former position. All other items make sense to exist in the user dropdown menu!

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.