Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#420 fixed Reprocess failed uploads Brett Smith

When an upload fails to process for some reason, right now it hangs around the database in an unprocessed state, forever. When it's appropriate, we would like to retry processing on some of those uploads.

Reasons why processing might fail once and succeed later include all the usual transient errors we get in software: lack of resources, inopportune crashes or outages, gamma rays, etc. Probably one of the hardest parts of this work is going to be figuring out how to distinguish when to try again, and when we shouldn't bother.

If people can comment with specific situations that have happened in their MediaGoblin installs, and maybe a repr of the MediaEntry for that, it would be helpful.

I intend to tackle this.

#423 fixed Mongo to SQL script doesn't set up Ascii/Audio SQL Elrond Christopher Allan Webber

When you run the conversion script, it doesn't set up the ascii art SQL table until you run ./bin/gmg dbupdate

Elrond said he could fix this!

#425 fixed Markdown Links in media description broken for media/dokuwiki targets Jakob Kramer chrono

Links to media- or dokuwiki pages are broken when using markdown syntax and turn out empty, probably due to the ":" namespace separator.

Reproduce Example:

markdown in description field:


turns into:

<p><a href="">Odyssey</a> </p>

As there currently is no other way to place links for more information, I would consider it a major defect :)

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