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Results (70 - 72 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#378 fixed CC0 licensing for MediaGoblin Sphinx (docs) theme Christopher Allan Webber Jef van Schendel
The MediaGoblin documentation theme's CSS is located at
mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/mg.css . I've added (what
I think is) a CC0 license header to the file, but it should be
specified in COPYING. Or, something.

Also, what about the "logo"? It's logo\_docs.png in the same

Oh, and there's the fonts, placed in
mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/fonts/. That folder
contains a version of the Open Font License, but maybe that could
also use improvements.

#379 fixed SQL Meta Bug Elrond
We're moving to SQL.
This issue is a general tracking instance.

If there is something specific that needs an issue, file it and let
it block this one.

#380 fixed SQL: celery/kombu transport database Elrond
celery (and kombu) need a new transport and result database when
moving away from mongodb.

-  celery/kombu and sqlalchemy:
   ` <>`_
-  whether a database is actually a good event oriented transport,
   is an open question. Maybe amqplib and rabbitmq are the better

For the result thing we maybe should really use sqlalchemy?

Goal of this bug:

1. Research options for celery/kombu
2. come to a conclusion what to use
3. Implement it

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