Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#370 fixed [wiki] change Meetings page to category Simon Fondrie-Teitler Will Kahn-Greene
In the wiki, change the Meetings page to a category. Also, build a
meeting page template. That way when we add new meeting pages, they
use a standard meeting page template and all go in the category and
thus are all listed on the category page.

Then move the standard meeting time etc to the category page.

#371 fixed UTF-8 "ascii art" is broken (wrong encoding) joar Aleksej
` <>`_

The text in the file is "Feli?an superjaron", but it appears as
"Feliĉan superjaron!", both on its page and in the thumbnail
(though the thumbnail is too small to see if "‰" is rendered).

#372 fixed update copyright statements for 2012 Will Kahn-Greene
Pretty sure we need to go through and update the copyright
statements for 2012.

Also, while doing this pass, we should double-check that the FSF
doesn't own the copyrights--they disclaimed them. Probably should
assign copyrights on a file-by-file basis to whoever
authored/edited them based on what git says.

Putting this in the 0.2.1 target.

I'll take it if no one else does by the weekend.

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