Custom Query (1173 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#75 FIXED tagging Caleb Davis Will Kahn-Greene
This feature request covers tagging images with a series of
words/phrases related to the image.

For example:

-  vacation
-  Florida
-  Mark
-  goofy

Chris said this in the 0.0.3 planning meeting:


        Tagging -- In what sense?  good question, we should at least make a ticket :) probably tagging
        like MediaEntry['tags'] = ['photo', 'baby'] is good enough

#91 WONTFIX backup of redmine issues Matt Lee Will Kahn-Greene
Do we have backups for all the data in Redmine?

If so, how often and where are the backups hosted?

If not, then we should start backing up the data because losing it
would be the suck.

#95 fixed identify bitesized bugs in redmine Will Kahn-Greene
We need a way to identify bitesized bugs in redmine.

More specifically, we need to:

1. "tag" an issue in some way so that it's clear it's bitesized
2. trivially query the system for all bitesized bugs

This gets progressively more important as we continue to get new

I'm going to make this an Immediate priority for 0.0.3 to at least
look into more. If it's the case that we can't do this, then that's
a very compelling reason to switch to another bug tracking system.

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