Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 1173)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 FIXED is cluttered Christopher Allan Webber Aaron Williamson
mediagoblin/ is like our junk drawer for any functionality
we want to abstract out of a particular view, and it's starting to
get ugly. At present, it contains methods related to: testing,
templating, request processing, user sessions, dynamic component
importing, urls/slugs, email, translation, data sanitizing,and
pagination. Most of these categories are functionally distinct from
the others and could be separated out into different files
according to category, e.g.:

- text\
- etc.

Once a structure is decided upon, imports referencing will
have to be updated.

#277 fixed Enable "favoriting" of media Aaron Williamson Aaron Williamson
Users should be able to mark media entries as favorites by clicking
a button/link in the entry detail view (and probably from gallery
views as well). This change will likely require the creation of a
new "UserFavorite" model with a structure like:

{'user': user\_id,
'media\_entry': media\_entry\_id,

...and also a new field on MediaEntry containing a count of
UserFavorites for that entry (to avoid expensive queries to
generate this number dynamically for every request).

#278 duplicate User-defined galleries Aaron Williamson
Enable users to curate galleries containing an ordered collection
of media. User can add media entries (that users' or others'?) to a
gallery and specify the ordering of entries in the gallery. Two new
collections will be involved: Gallery (name, description, owner,
etc.) and GalleryEntry (gallery id, media entry, position, etc.).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.