Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 1173)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#466 fixed Make it easy to temporarily disable a plug-in Will Kahn-Greene Aleksej

It should be easy to disable a plug-in without uninstalling it.

<paroneayea> plugins are configured currently via sections
<paroneayea> it's something like
<paroneayea> [plugins]
<paroneayea> [[mediagoblin.plugins.flatpages]]
<paroneayea> herp = derp
<paroneayea> I think
<paroneayea> and "configuring" a section turns that plugin on.

An idea on how to disable a plug-in without removing or commenting a whole section out line by line: add a “-” —


#468 fixed Extra forms of Markdown we should be supporting but aren't Jakob Kramer Aleksej

E.g. pre-formatted text (represented with lines beginning with spaces).

#469 fixed Warn when the database structures need “./bin/gmg dbupdate” Aleksej

Sometimes the database structures need to be generated using “./bin/gmg dbupdate”.

E.g. when there is no database yet, this is necessary for GMG to start. When you add media types, it is necessary to be able to store the media of those types (GMG transcoded a video clip but failed to store it).

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