Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (148 - 150 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#633 fixed Feed 'by tag' does not link to the pubsub hub mrb

The feeds 'by tag' does not include the link to the pubsub hub, like the atom feed 'by user'

#636 invalid Fullscreen webm video marred by loading indicator that doesn't disappear Andrew Ter-Grigoryan

When I play a WebM video and go into fullscreen mode, I see a spinning loading indicator that persists throughout the video, even if it is completely loaded. This visual glitch persists when I minimize the video, but can be dismissed by seeking to a different part of the clip. An aesthetic nitpick, but still irritating.

This bug was encountered in Firefox 18.0.2 on

See the attached screenshot.

#639 fixed WTForms form extension hooks Christopher Allan Webber

I wonder if it's possible to do something like this:

  class BlaBlaForm(pluginapi.HookForm):
    _hook_name = 'blabla'
    bla_bla = wtforms.BlaBlaField()

This would require some fancy metaclassing but if it worked, it should be able to allow to attach fields to the form either before or after like the following:


Is this possible? Not totally sure. Would be great if it did. Would also involve evil metaclassing. But what part of plugin systems don't involve a bit of evil ;)

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