Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#504 duplicate Internationalization sets the language used in the comment notification email template joar

This means e.g. that if AVRS sends me an email from a browser that sends HTTP Accept-Language: ru-ru I will get the comment notification email localized for russian (russia).

#505 fixed upgrade to trac 1.0 Will Kahn-Greene

We're using 0.12.2. We should upgrade to 1.0 (or whatever is latest when we do this work).

1.0 release notes are here:

#506 wontfix P2P distribution of content - self-hosted CDN (content distribution network) arthur.lutz

While thinking about the limitations of our asymetric broadband access (less upload than download), I thought of a hack that could speed up things while browsing an HTML generated photo gallery.

The idea would be to host the same album on N servers and when you generate the "thumbnails" page you cycle through the N servers for the <img src=> tag.

In the first place, you could reference identical albums on other servers manually, but then another feature would be to "copy" the album to your gallery and it would automatically reference the other one (and vice versa).

The setup seems complex but could be really simple. The idea is to use in- house devices to set this up. For instance on NAS devices there is usually a small application to publish the photos that are on the NAS, generally it's either a php app or a html generator. This would be the kind of setup where in a familly each member has a NAS device and when looking at a gallery, they can copy it to their NAS and then it is distributed.

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