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Results (61 - 63 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#471 wontfix Consider using user_dev for mediagoblin.db by default Aleksej

MediaGoblin needs to be able to write into user_dev. OK.

When using sqlite, MediaGoblin by default needs to be able to write to mediagoblin.db and mediagoblin.db-journal. That means (at least in the beginning) being able to write to the directory with MediaGoblin itself.

If it not even worse for security, it would be better if mediagoblin.db was in user_dev, so only one directory needs to be writable.

#473 wontfix test ticket Will Kahn-Greene

This is a test ticket.

#474 fixed Change password is on the same page as the rest of the account settings Jef van Schendel

On the "Changing account settings" page, there is a form to change your password. This is mixed in with other, less invasive, account options such as comment notifications.

I think they should be separated and the page should have a link saying "Change account password", which links to a new page containing the form to change your password.

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