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Results (58 - 60 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#463 fixed Make an actually useful media processing panel to use Christopher Allan Webber

The current media processing panel we have is a demo more than anything else, and I'm not really sure it works. But users want something like this: something that's an indicator that their things are processing and to see whether things processed or failed. Administrators also should be able to see detailed errors.

This will be mostly a programming task, but we'll need some careful graphic design too to make this look nice.

#469 fixed Warn when the database structures need “./bin/gmg dbupdate” Aleksej

Sometimes the database structures need to be generated using “./bin/gmg dbupdate”.

E.g. when there is no database yet, this is necessary for GMG to start. When you add media types, it is necessary to be able to store the media of those types (GMG transcoded a video clip but failed to store it).

#470 fixed Add more information to mediagoblin.ini Aleksej

Changes to mediagoblin_local.ini often require running “./bin/gmg/dbupdate” or installing some dependencies. That should be mentioned in the comments in the file.

For instance,

  • changing the database requires at least dbupdate;
  • adding a new media type requires dbupdate and installing dependencies (mention the documentation page “media-types”).
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