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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#103 fixed Change user status into a boolean, "active" or "is_active" Christopher Allan Webber
Currently we have status being one of "active" or
'needs\_email\_verification'... we could simplify things by just
having email\_verified (which we already have) and "active" be a

The role of active will then switch to whether or not the user is
enabled. You might set active to False if a user was abusing their
account, for instance.

The migration on this should be pretty easy... just remove
needs\_email\_verification and make all existing users active,
since currently we don't have any inactive state.

This is a bitesized task.

#118 fixed Provide option to limit upload size joar
Due to the possibility to overload a server by sending it HUGE POST
requests, we should provide an option to instance-owners to limit
the possible media upload size.

Presumably, we should put this option in ``mediagoblin.ini``.

We should also display this information to the end-user by
providing a notice in ``mediagoblin/submit/``.

Here's a handy snippet provided by cwebber/paroneayea that might
aid anyone pursuing this ticket's completion:
` <>`_

#122 fixed set us up on openhatch Will Kahn-Greene
I haven't checked out the state of things, so I don't know where
they're at.

MediaGoblin should have a solid presence on OpenHatch
(` <>`_). This includes:

-  asking and answering the big questions on the project page
-  setting openhatch up to track our bitesized bugs (see issue
   `#382 </issues/382>`_)
-  getting a workflow set up so that when someone is interested in
   helping out, someone is notified and someone reaches out

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