Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#330 FIXED Rename mediagoblin middleware to "meddleware" Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber
This will help avoid confusion with WSGI middleware.

#343 FIXED Deleting media can become tricky Christopher Allan Webber Elrond
The changes in Issue `#582 </issues/582>`_ introduced some
interesting code:


    def user_may_delete_media(controller):
            uploader = request.db.MediaEntry.find_one(
                {'slug': request.matchdict['media']}).get_uploader()

If two people have the same slug, this query will not always do the
right thing(TM).

That said, I'd really prefer things like "edit" and "delete" use
the id instead of the slug. It just feels safer and will avoid all
these slug duplicates/etc issuess.
I don't see anyone needing to bookmark the delete page? And
bookmarking the edit page might have rare use cases, so those
should be able to live with ugly urls.

For performance/safety reasons, we could consider to have an extra
decorator for finding the media only by user/id or somesuch.

#347 wontfix Access to wiki on this site Christopher Allan Webber maiki interi
Chris, or whoever, may I get the appropriate role to use the wiki
for this project?

I am keeping a list at
` <>`_,
but I would like to expand on each of those items in turn, and use
Redmine to easily link to them. It would be solely for elaborating
complex mutli-issue ideas; I am aware of the normal wiki.

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