Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (178 - 180 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#308 | FIXED | Could thumbnails PNGs with transparency be saved as transparent PNGs? | ||
Description |
Thumbnails for some images, like ` <>`_ have a tendency to look ugly when transformed to JPEG, ` <>`_. One way to remedy this would to save PNG image thumbnails as PNGs. |
#312 | FIXED | Use mongokit's "Dot Notation" | ||
Description |
mongokit supports accessing fields not only as ``doc['field']`` but also as ``doc.field``. - This might look more pythonic. - This will ease a possible transition to sqlalchemy (as this it the sqlalchemy way) - Docs: Main questions: - Switch it on now or in the sql-migration branch? - If switching it on now, should all accesses be converted to the new syntax? |
#315 | FIXED | Profile bio on user page doesn't show when website item is empty | ||
Description |
I edited my profile info on I put something in the "bio" field but left the "website" field empty. Result: neither of these are shown on my profile page (` <>`_). Instead, it reverts to the "Here's a spot to tell others about yourself." state. What should happen: only the bio info should appear. If you only enter your website, but no bio, it works correctly and shows the website info on your profile. |
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