Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#257 FIXED request.path_info sometimes used incorrectly Christopher Allan Webber Elrond
When running mediagoblin in a subpath, like /mediagoblin/, then
some things are a little complex.

For ``/mediagoblin/u/elrond/`` ``request.path_info`` becomes

-  This is good, when trying to match routes. Simple, fine, job
-  This is BAD, when generating URLs like "request.path\_info +
   foo" for the browser, because the browser will only see
   ``/u/elrond/foo``. Which is wrong. Problem.

I know, that the environ has SCRIPT\_NAME ("``/mediagoblin``" in
this case), but it's not entirely clear, on how to procede from

Assigning to Chris, as he created most of the base infrastructure
and surely has comments.

#258 FIXED transifex error Christopher Allan Webber Jacobo Nájera
When I am trying to translate spanish version:

Translation must start with a newline ()


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#259 FIXED Use original format for thumbnails/resized images (same as the image) Christopher Allan Webber Aleksej
Resized versions of an image need to be in the same file format as
the original, or at least in a format which has the required
features (e.g. transparency).

The logos of Creative Commons recently uploaded by fajro to omgmg
have bad thumbnails, because the original images are in PNG format
with transparency, while the thumbnails are JPEG. The
black-on-transparent logo became black-on-black, and the
white-on-transparent logo became white-on-white.

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