Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#333 FIXED Help text says "separate tags by commas and spaces" Manolinux aka Mu Manolinux aka Mu
It must be fixed because spaces don't separate tags anymore (if it
even did in the past).

#1 FIXED create user accounts in moveable type Matt Lee Will Kahn-Greene
mattl: is there any chance you could make users for the movable
type instance for willkg, freedeb, myself? If you'd like to have a
phone call about this soonish, maybe we can figure out how this is
going to happen website-wise

I'm putting this in the Support tracker... though I'm not entirely
sure whether that's right.

Assigning this to Matt.

#7 FIXED Mount sphinx docs at Matt Lee Christopher Allan Webber
GNU MediaGoblin sphinx docs are make'able by cd'ing into the docs
directory and running make.

We should have run the latest docs out of git

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