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Results (76 - 78 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#206 FIXED Inconsistent font size specifications in css Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
Base.css uses several different ways to specify text sizes. I think
it has a nice mix of px, em and percentages going on right now.

This should be fixed. I'm not sure what the "right" way to do this
is, so any help is welcome. I'll do some research and decide on
what we should do, then make the needed changes.

So yeah, this bug is mostly a memory aid.

#209 FIXED Make next / previous universally non-confusing (possibly with thumbs?) Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber
Right now we have next/previous buttons like: []

The problem: it's confusing. I made a suggestion on how to fix this
once, by reversing the order of the arrows:
` <>`_

However I'm not sure this really makes things clearer. Either
ordering is confusing here:

-  [] is what we used to do but this is confusing because our
   galleries go in the opposite direction (newer on left, older on
   right), which is what makes sense for a gallery to be like.
-  [] is what we do now, but that's also totally confusing. Who
   really expects arrows to point this way? Not me (even despite
   filing that old ticket). Imagine reading a webcomic ordered this
   way. That would be crazy! So here's some suggested resolutions:
-  Switch back to the old behavior and add text to the arrows, like
-  Add smaller-thumbnail support (75-100px?) and make these
   thumbnails the navigation.

I'd opt for `#1 </issues/1>`_... maybe we can make #2 a different
ticket and add an ajaxy "quick browser" like flickr has that's
scrollable left and right, and make that **separate** from the
current next/previous arrow buttons. Bonus point: doing
`#1 </issues/1>`_ will fill up some of that glaring whitespace on
those current buttons ;)

Dropping this in Jef's lap! Jef, what do you think?

#232 FIXED New website design Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber
We need a new design for
` <>`_ for the 0.1.0
launch! This is the site about the software project, not an actual
instance of the software. The colors should match a little bit
closer to our MediaGoblin software, though the look and feel does
not have to be the same (in fact, maybe shouldn't be, as the
software is designed to be non-invasive so that the media can stand
out, but this is marketing material, and so the design **should**
stand out on ` <>`_)

I made a vague ascii art mockup for the frontpage.


    |         |_blog_|_wiki_|_Download_|
    |                                  |
    |           MediaGoblin            |
    |                                  |
    | .------------------------------. |
    | | Art   Text describing GMG    | |
    | |       goes here!             | |
    | |        - bullet              | |
    | |        - point               | |
    | | .-------. .------. .-------. | |
    | | |       | |      | |       | | |
    | | |scrnsht| |scrnsh| |scrnsht| | |
    | | |       | |      | |       | | |
    | | '-------' '------' '-------' | |
    | '------------------------------' |
    | .--------. .--------. .--------. |
    | | Run it | | Use it | | Join us| |
    | |        | |        | |        | |
    | '--------' '--------' '--------' |
    |  .----------------------------.  |
    |  | News!                      |  |
    |  |  - Headline!               |  |
    |  |  - Headline!               |  |
    |  '----------------------------'  |

The idea of this is like so. There's something similar to the
top-navigation like we have now in the upper right, but the rest of
the frontpage is broken up into three primary sections

-  **First section sells it:** provide a cute image of the
   mediagoblin mascot, provide text perhaps with bullet points
   explaining it generally. Directly underneath the text/image but in
   the same block is a carousel of screenshots
-  **Second section directs you:** Three columns, each one targeted
   with information to properly direct members of our three target
   audiences (Administrators, site-users, contributors)
-  **Third section informs you of updates:** Just headlines from
   the blog with datestamps which link directly to recent entries.

Example detail of an element from the second section:


    | Run it              |
    |  Run MediaGoblin!   |
    |  Be awesome!        |
    |                     |
    |   - Here's the docs |
    |   - Maybe another   |
    |     bullet          |

We should also:

-  consider reorganizing other sections of the site
-  add archiving features to the blog, probably the yeararchives
   ` <>`_

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