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Results (73 - 75 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#192 FIXED Generic submit button label Jef van Schendel Jan-Christoph Borchardt
Instead of a generic »submit«, the button should always be labeled
according to action & context.

For example, »Register« when you create an account and »Log in« if
you log in.

#200 FIXED login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage Jef van Schendel Will Kahn-Greene
"login" is the place where you log in--it's a noun or adjective.

"log in" is the act of logging in--it's a verb.

For example, a user would log in at the login screen.

We've got a lot of incorrect usages of these in the strings. This
bug is to go through the strings and fix the ones that are wrong.

Putting this in the 0.0.5 milestone and upping the priority since
this affects translations.

#205 FIXED Suitable home page for new mediagoblin setups Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
The first MediaGoblin instances are floating around right now and
soon we'll have our own public instance online. Which is great, but
there's one thing that would make it all a lot nicer which is a
proper home page. Right now got a quick "Welcome to GNU
MediaGoblin!", log in and register links plus some sample images,
but I've seen quite a few ideas thrown around for what should be on
that page.

-  Say you've just set up your own instance, what kind of things
   would you want for your new welcome page? What would make sense and
   be useful?
-  For our public instance, will we use the same page? If so, how
   will we change it and what should we add? How will our
   and relate?

There are several "faces" of MediaGoblin we could show. There could
be hints to help you make an account on that particular instance,
or set up your own. There could be featured images, tags or users.
We could show we're a FOSS project and that others can join us and
help improve/spread the software. Or a combination of all of

Alright, that's enough rambling for now. I'm assigning this ticket
to 0.0.5, because I think this is something we could really use for
that release and will not take a huge amount of time. It will
involve a lot of different aspects and people so I'm not assigning
it to anybody in particular. :)

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