Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#112 FIXED Previous / next navigation on media pages Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
We'll need a navigation area on the media pages to browse a user's
media. We can start simple, by adding "previous" and "next" links.

I don't have any idea to do this, so here's a humble request to
anyone capable. Creating two regular links to move back and forward
through a user's media would be great, then I can style them.

To start with, they'll look
`something like this <>`_.

#113 FIXED sidebar renders at the bottom Jef van Schendel Caleb Davis
For the first image in the database, the sidebar renders as
expected, on the right (awesome, btw!). When viewing subsequent
images, it renders at the bottom - below comments and above the

.. figure:: /attachments/download/62
   :align: center

#123 FIXED We need a margin between the media image and the sidebar Jef van Schendel joar
Currently, there is none;
` <>`_

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